Sanofi expects a COVID-19 vaccine to be ready in December

Sanofi expects a COVID-19 vaccine to be ready in December

French pharmaceutical group Sanofi expects a COVID-19 vaccine to be available by December It is currently in the third phase of beta testing.

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Its president in France, Olivier Poggio, explained on Monday in an interview with France Inter that this vaccine (in double doses) It uses the same technology already used in the flu vaccine, not the messenger RNA.

“It’s a tried-and-true technology” that relies on a recombinant protein with an adjuvant that stimulates the immune system, he said.

Although the pharmaceutical giant was blamed in France for being far behind other companies that were able to develop their vaccines several months ago, Bogelo insisted that One from Sanofi would be very helpful.

First, because even in France a part of the citizens is still not immunized, because a high percentage will have to be reached to achieve herd immunity and because there are still great needs all over the world, since now Only 20% received at least one dose.

Moreover, he was convinced of that A third booster dose should be given.

On Monday, in another interview with France Info, the French Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Agnes Pannier-Runacher, indicated that The European Union is negotiating the purchase of vaccines from Sanofi and that the process is “progressing well”.

This was highlighted by Panier Runacher, who stressed that the results of the tests in the second stage were excellent The product developed by Sanofi has some advantages that can make it useful especially in developing countries Because it is stored in the refrigerator and is cheaper than messenger RNA technology vaccines.

With information from EFE


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