Science education has distinguished my life

Science education has distinguished my life

Teaching makes me proud, and since I was little I loved teaching; He explained that science and sports are my passions Lilia Cedillo Ramirez, Director of the Center for Biomolecular Detection at the Autonomous University of Puebla (UAP).

As part of her academic career, Sidelo Ramirez was a researcher at the Institute of Science’s Microbiology Research Center (Icuap), where she was its first director.

Cedillo Ramirez was the Head of the Vice President’s Office for Extension and Culture Dissemination and was responsible for the CCU Project of which she was the director.

Currently, she is a manager UAP Biomolecule Detection Center And a member of the Institutional Committee for Epidemic Monitoring and Evaluation by SARS-CoV-2 that guides the continuity of university activities in the midst of the pandemic.

“I am a chemist in pharmacological biology. Many things in my life were the product of chance. He indicated that the encounter with science happened this way.”

In an interview with Millennium PueblaSidelo Ramirez has made it clear that she likes her friends calling her “Lily” or “Lilia.” When her students call her “the teacher,” she is proud that she loves to teach.

“For friends I’m Lily. Fortunately, I have a lot of friends, so if you call me Lily, Lily, I’m fine. If they call me a teacher, it’s a privilege because I’m finally what I love to do. My passion has always been teaching. Since I was a kid, I’m fine.” My mother remembered a lot, rest assured, that I loved explaining the classes to my little sister and I didn’t have a blackboard. I love it, it’s a job that makes me proud of it, just like science and sports. Sports is my passion. I can’t be a night if I don’t exercise, “he pointed out.

He noted that he began working in microbiology in his university thesis with a topic he liked: mycoplasma, which is a bacterium that lacks a cell wall and can cause various diseases and is not sensitive to antibiotics.

“Mycoplasma is my true love in microbiology; although I have to admit that I have not been loyal to them, but they are just people. He pointed out that working with Mycoplasma is one of the biggest challenges, it is difficult and shocking, but it is wonderful and I think it will accompany me in academic life. “.

As a student, Cedillo Ramírez was the founder of UAP’s Microbiological Sciences Research Center and did cleaning and organizing work at the new facilities to conduct her studies.

She indicated that her first position was Coordinator of UAP’s Microbiological Sciences Research Center where she learned the elements of academic management; Later, she was part of the UAP Institute Science Coordination Committee and later was the first elected Director of the said academic unit.

In the early years of this century, Cedillo Ramírez was appointed head of the Vice President’s Office for Extension and Culture Dissemination, a position that allowed her to meet friends and respond to challenges such as the University Cultural Foundation project.

“Always, as a joke, I used to say that the microbes weren’t very cultured, but I did my best. I met people of high value in the vice pastor and learned from them. What I didn’t know, I never felt sorry for asking and asking for help. I found very good friends. I had to participate in the University Cultural Foundation project, I was responsible for it, for nearly two years, and he said that it was a very important experience.

He noted that in the face of the AH1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, the UAP Biomolecular Detection Center emerged at the initiative of a group of researchers led by Ignacio Martinez Laguna.

“It was my turn to motivate the university authorities about the need for our institution to have a center for the detection of biomolecules. The project is directed by Ignacio Martinez Laguna, who is the father of this center. I arrived later, to exchange (…) The center was established to respond to epidemics such as current epidemics. Now. When we are in a pandemic, we try to provide support not only as research projects. “

Regarding his future at UAP, Cedillo Ramírez explained that the opportunity has put him in various challenges in his life and in those that touch him, he will accept them and work in a committed manner and do his best.

“The opportunity has decided many things in my life. The opportunity will certainly put me on the path that I must take, and there I will commit and do my best.”

The researcher explains that life is short, and before that she struggles every day to do what she wants to do today and contribute to her environment. While tomorrow it will present new challenges and new goals that can be achieved.

“I have always seen that life is too short. So, my thoughts, goals and actions to reach it are as follows: Today I have to contribute, today I want to do things and you never know if I will be there tomorrow or not (…) tomorrow You will see and end his speech, saying: “What is coming, we will see if there are new challenges and new goals and we will follow this path.”


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