Sheriti Vadera, the first non-white woman to head the Royal Shakespeare Company

Sheriti Vadera, the first non-white woman to head the Royal Shakespeare Company

Today, Wednesday, the prestigious theater company announced the appointment of British businesswoman Sharetti Vadera as president of the Royal Shakespeare Company, becoming the first non-white woman to hold the position.

The former commercial banker will replace Nigel Hogel, who headed the company for ten years, in the fall. Sheriti Vadera was born in Uganda but fled with her family of Indian descent when dictator Idi Amni Dada expelled Asians.

The date comes at a delicate time for RSC, which faces the challenge of getting back on track after months of lockdown, which is now gradually declining in the UK.

Sheriti Vadera has run Prudential, the UK insurer, since January. She held the position of President of Santander UK Bank between 2015 and 2020, having served in the British government between 2007 and 2009, where she held the position of Secretary of State for Small Business and Competitiveness in the Executive Labor Office at Gordon Brown.

His name was also among the favorites to replace Mark Carney as Governor of the Bank of England.

“I grew up in Uganda and India, in a traditional society where expectations about girls’ development were low,” she said.

I read and imagined Shakespeare before seeing the shows [de obras suyas] This opened up a different world for me, and encouraged me to look to possibilities that changed my life, “she added, describing herself as a” fan of the arts. “

Vadera noted that the company is “emerging from one of its toughest years due to the pandemic” but is “enthusiastic to support and defend RSC as its new chairman and look to the future.” He concluded his speech by saying, “It is a jewel and an honor.”

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