Strong move from Alberto Fernandez: Argentina chairs the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, a body opposed to the United States

Strong move from Alberto Fernandez: Argentina chairs the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, a body opposed to the United States

In the middle of negotiations with the IMF for debt, the government Alberto Fernandez Preparing to send a powerful message to the United States: Argentina will take over the presidency Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), An organism facing Washington, allied with China and created as a kind of Organization of American States (OAS) counterweight.

Starting today, Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero will receive a long list of CELAC foreign ministers who will arrive in Buenos Aires and have a meeting with Alberto Fernandez. At the conclusion of the document of this summit of foreign ministers that will be held tomorrow They will order that Argentina take over the presidency of this body.

“If there are no surprises between them Argentina will chair the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States as of tomorrow, with the unanimous support of the region To give impetus to Latin American integration” the historian government official.

In this way, Alberto Fernandez moved it It has the support of allies such as Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile and Bolivia, Among other countries encountered Washington, seeks to position Argentina as an important interlocutor in the region against the proposals of the United States andn in line with the agreements concluded by the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States with China.

This is a move by Argentina with great geopolitical impact since the Alberto Fernandez government became today Through difficult negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, where the United States is one of the main obstacles In conclusion of this understanding of debt. Yesterday, that was reflected by the same President and Economy Minister Martin Guzman in the presentation on negotiations with the Fund that they conducted to 15 pro-government governors.

Foreign Minister Cafiero highlighted the Latin American spirit of CELAC in an opinion column he published today in the government agency. TlamThe Community of Latin American and Caribbean States arose out of the bowels of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean as a response to the need for union. Alone, we cannot find solutions related to economic recovery. Health, Space Cooperation, Science and Technology Strategy”.

The CELAC foreign ministers arrive in the country today, where tonight they will participate in an event at the Kirchner Cultural Center with Alberto Fernandez as host, and tomorrow there will be a plenary meeting where Argentina will be appointed to chair this organ. It was created in 2010 in a few Nestor Kirchner, Hugo Chávez, Rafael Correa, Lula da Silva and Evo MoralesThe Bolivarian axis facing Washington.

What is silic?

CELAC thinks of a Membership of 33 countries in Latin America and the CaribbeanIt seeks to advance agreements such as social development, education, nuclear disarmament, family farming, culture, finance, energy and the environment.

The counselor stated thatThe Community of Latin American and Caribbean States constitutes the central voice of the region on issues of consensus because it is the only interlocutor that can promote and give visibility to Latin America and the Caribbean. In discussing major global issues, with the aim of seeking to better integrate the region into the international arena.”

In this way, it is clearly a body distinct from the Organization of American States that has put an end to many regional regimes that have serious problems with human rights violations such as Venezuela and Nicaragua. In fact, The Nicaraguan government headed by Daniel Ortega played a key role in supporting Argentina for the presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations.

Nicaragua and Venezuela’s support for Argentina is not Washington’s only wake-up call. CELAC also constitutes an important platform base for China Introducing investment projects in Latin America.

So far, this body has been chaired by Mexico, another ally of Argentina, and for Alberto Fernandez, assuming the presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations will, according to the government, help to forget the two major failures on foreign policy matters: (IDB) and CAF, Latin American Development Bank.

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