The ongoing floods in Uganda have focused on climate change-related disasters in the region

The ongoing floods in Uganda have focused on climate change-related disasters in the region

Historically, Uganda has been characterized by stable rainfall patterns. However, the global effects of climate change that have changed the frequency and magnitude of disasters and climate-related risks have not been spared from this country and this region, which has experienced more or less short-term rains, and even droughts.

In 2021 alone, there were 23.7 million internal displacements caused by climate-related events, including floods, storms, and hurricanes. With the projected impacts of climate change and a lack of ambitious climate action, the numbers are likely to rise in the coming years.

People built and farmed on the banks of rivers, which are the hardest hit areas. “The wetlands have been encroached upon and this is a problem because if the wetlands are kept intact at least it works to control the rhythm of the water when it rains,” said Teddy Nabokwassi, an environmental officer for Sirocco in the eastern region. “We need to educate people all the time so that they are aware of the impacts their actions will have on the environment.”

Through an EU-funded project, Nabukwasi and other government officials were recently trained by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Uganda in disaster preparedness, response and reporting. IOM is also working with the Red Cross to collect and share emergency data and will be part of a joint assessment carried out by the government, the United Nations and other aid agencies.

“In the near term, IOM will provide a package of non-food items to support the affected people and will request funds to be able to provide further support,” said Sanusi Tejan Savage, IOM Chief of Mission in Uganda.

The floods in Uganda come on the back of a historic new declaration on migration, climate change and the environment endorsed by Presidents and Ministers from East Africa and the Horn of Africa in Kampala, Uganda: Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment and Climate Change, Which aims to bring together countries in East Africa and the Horn of Africa to prioritize, respond and revitalize global support to address the harsh impact of climate change on human mobility.

“Our people, most of whom are already vulnerable and have little ability to adapt to climate change, have continued to suffer from the increasing frequency and severity of floods, droughts and landslides associated with the effects of climate change.”

The declaration just signed is an urgent call for the world to respond to the impact of climate change on human mobility across the continent and across the region, and to support affected communities, which are among the most vulnerable worldwide. , to adapt to the realities of climate change.

a Report The World Bank projects that around 86 million people in Africa will be forced to migrate within their own countries by 2050 due to climate change if concrete action on climate and development is not taken immediately.

The Horn of Africa region is expected to be severely affected by the effects of climate change, including severe droughts and flash floods. Climate-related disasters leave communities in an even more vulnerable situation, undermining their coping strategies and with it displacement.

IOM is committed to translating the mobility dimensions of disaster risk reduction into concrete actions that ensure the safety and protection of migrants and displaced people everywhere. La OIM convoca a todos los gobiernos y partes para que adopten la visión del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), referida a pasar del riesgo climático a un desarrollo resiliente al clima con el objetivo de aborast la de reduccia de alries climate change.

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