The political column of Don Quixote

The political column of Don Quixote

The United States offered a reward of $5 million for each of Joaquín “Chapo” Guzmán’s children. (photo: private)

Don Quixote riding the roads of Michoacan


Alfredo Ramirez Pedulla. (Photo: ACG)

Of course, we must assess that in the first place was the change of government, in which Alfredo Ramirez Pedulla won the governorship, if not by a large, irrefutable vote, which nevertheless did not have enough time to campaign, achieved thanks to the efforts of his team and of course the Morena party. For now and despite the time he was in charge of the government, there is indeed some news worth bearing in mind. We also have the experience of the candidate for the mayor of Morelia Alfonso Martinez Alcazar, who also, through the experience gained during his previous term, has the necessary experience to be able to apply it now in the city of Morelia, but there are many things to do, because his predecessor left the city in tatters. Another important issue for the year ending is the state of the criminal situation in the country, in which the cartels have been showing their supremacy, especially in the southwest of Michoacan, and so far there has been no solution to this problem. Another point that is important to touch on is the activities of the “poor” and their students from Normal de Tiripetio, who have left much to be desired because of their activity which has damaged the prestige of their profession and the trust of society … in the hope that this problem will be resolved so that they too can fulfill their duty as teachers for the good our community.

Alfonso Martinez. (Photo: ACG)

Don Quixote rides on the roads of Mexico

Works of public interest

Blanca Lilia Ibarra. (photo: private)

Having suggested by the President of the Republic that federal acts of public interest or national security may not be disclosed, in connection with investments, but it is clear that the Federal Congress has approved the budget necessary for this purpose; The forces opposed to López Obrador and his party went to the court to determine that the people had a right to know how and how much they invested in each, and in which the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation decided that business with such character would be preserved as proposed by the President, and on the other hand, made it clear Blanca Lilia Ibarra, Commissioner of INAI, said that the court’s decision translates into that people who wish to access public investment related in this case will not have investment reserves that do not comply with the requirements of the law. And, finally, the President of the Republic rarely praises the decisions of the Court, but he did in this case, although many commentators dispute this fact, we hope that this problem will end.

NSO . group

Whoever assumes that it is the authority of the company Pegasus that is dedicated to the intervention of thousands of phones in the world, has announced that it is in crisis and is analyzing the possibility of selling the company and closing Pegasus, all this has been reported by blúmberg, it has already been mentioned that talks are taking place with various investment funds to ensure the possibility of liquidating these The company or its sale, as reported by the agency mentioned above. We also have that in this case, officials of the US government department, which were established in Uganda, were targeted by the intervention of Pegasus and many US phones were hacked for purely economic reasons; Apple has even sued the “Pegasus Project” for wiretapping and widespread abuse of its phones, even as the Israeli Ministry of Defense seeks to continue monitoring the problem of abuses abroad of this Pegasus system; One of the important things in this case was the fact that Israel banned the sale of cyber technology to Mexico and 64 other countries, as reported by Israel, which gave a list of countries eligible to purchase its electronic technology.

Jail for those who took the stalls

Ovidio Guzman. (photo: private)

The Senate of the Republic, in a notorious act, approved a decree convicting those who take the booths in the country for profit, and they should be sentenced to up to 7 years in prison. Let’s see what the “poor” and the students of the Tiribetio Ordinary School, who made the stalls a private business, will say; I think there are other means of pretending, but not at the cost of stealing money from passersby at toll booths across the country; It is good that the Senate approved this initiative, which would be in everyone’s interest. To achieve the above, it has amended Section 533 of the Public Communications Act, establishing physical penalties and fines of up to $44,800 pesos.

Our responsibility is to detain Chapo children

In view of the specific statements of the Secretary of State of the United States, who offered a millionaire sum of up to seventy-five million dollars, to arrest the Chapo children, the Government of Mexico, through its main representative, placed the status of these intervenors, because they affirmed emphatically that the Government of Mexico is solely responsible for the arrest Ovidio Guzmán who was released during the so-called Culiacanazzo. Thus, it is good that the Government of Mexico put the entrances to the North American state in place, but they have always acted without any permission from our authorities, but the President emphasized that catching these criminals is a priority for Mexico. the authorities. We hope that this statement is the truth and that he is immediately arrested in Mexico.

Enrique Gonzalez Tipuercio. (photo: private)

master traitor

Enrique Gonzalez Tiburcio, who was the Undersecretary of SEDATU, was accused of diverting resources to pay off debts acquired during the PRI presidential campaign in 2021, of course Enrique Peña Nieto and his boss Rosario Robles agreed to everything now that he is being held for other crimes.

It’s Chikannada Del In: Amlo

Lorenzo Cordova Vianello. (photo: private)

Under the announcement by the National Institute of Statistics, in particular Lorenzo Cordova, requesting a postponement of the cancellation of the mandate, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador strongly criticized him for trying to postpone the survey on this issue for the next year, arguing for a lack of budget. He considered “they are not true democrats, but pretend to be democrats,” because the General Council argued that there were insufficient funds and that the proposal should be implemented until sufficient resources were available, yet the Court had already asserted that there was a will that the budget should not be expanded and that the National Institute of Statistics had Sufficient resources to do the work. It appears that the general council of that organization has been called to make the final decision on this matter, and the president also added that the opposition parties, even those who are advisers to the National Election Institute. Before they talked about the participatory democracy of consultation but now they are against when the court did not accept its extension, because it decided that the consultation should take place because they had enough money.

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