The United States and Mexico will discuss the situation at the border

The United States and Mexico will discuss the situation at the border

Washington. Officials from the United States will travel to Mexico today to discuss the situation at the border with the authorities in the Latin American country, given the large numbers of immigrants arriving in recent weeks.

According to The Hill, Roberta Jacobson, who is acting as coordinator for the President of North America, Joe Biden, for the southwestern border, will meet Mexico’s Minister of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, and other government leaders.

The goal is to develop an effective and humane immigration management action plan, says this congressional issues forum.

Jacobson will be accompanied on his visit by the Director of the Western Hemisphere within the National Security Council of the United States, Juan Gonzalez.

As posted on Twitter by the Director General of North America at the Mexican Foreign Ministry, Roberto Velasco Alvarez, one of the main topics of discussion with Jacobson and Gonzalez will be joint efforts for orderly and regular migration.

Later, Gonzales is expected to travel to Guatemala to meet with the authorities from that Central American country, as well as to study short and long-term solutions that will allow us to delve into the root causes of illegal immigration to the United States.

According to US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayoras, more people will soon be found on the southwest border than in the past 20 years.

The day before, Mayuras appeared in front of five major news networks to emphasize that the southern border is closed and that the message is clear: “Don’t come.”

Meanwhile, he blamed the administration of former President Donald Trump for the current border crisis, as thousands of migrant children remain in sub-standard facilities due to its policies.

Such statements were issued at a time when the Republican and Democratic sectors increased their concerns about illegal immigration.

One of the major problems now is the arrival of several thousand minors without companies for adults, who are in North American customs facilities awaiting transfer to more appropriate shelters.

Mayuras confirmed on Sunday that they have inherited a system “destroyed” by the Trump administration, and are now working to transfer these children to facilities run by the Health Ministry.

For its part, the US media reported an immigration crisis due to the arrival of large numbers of people on the move and questioned Biden’s ability to address it.

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