Infonavit will boost mortgage loans for immigrants in the United States

Infonavit will boost mortgage loans for immigrants in the United States

The Institute of the National Workers’ Accommodation Fund Infonavit and the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) have signed an agreement to encourage Mexican immigrants living in the United States to offer the credits, programs and schemes the institute awards to their relatives in Mexico.

During the second meeting of the inter-ministerial table for comprehensive attention Mexican families In exchange, both institutes pledged to allocate HR And materials to spread different housing solutions, through the consular network, adapted to the needs of people who have relatives within the Mexican population abroad.

The agreement, signed by Infonavit General Manager Carlos Martinez Velasquez, and IME President, Luis Gutierrez Reyes, also establishes a working group to oversee and follow up on the actions derived from this agreement, and is in effect. Until September 30, 2024.

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Presided over the session Marcelo Ebrard CasaubonThe Secretary of External Relations, who participated in the agreement as an honorary witness and pointed out that the coordinated work between institutions means important achievements in comprehensive care Mexican families On the other hand.

For his part, Carlos Martínez Velázquez pledged to develop a computer mechanism that would allow focus and exchange of updated information on the credit offer and Infonavit services.

“Those who have an account with the institute, thanks to the Infonavit Act reform published by the president last December, will also be able to submit to the credit regardless of whether they live in the United States,” said the institute’s president.

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So far, the program Infonavit without limits More than 7,000 Mexican immigrants in the United States were allowed to pay their mortgage or a relative’s mortgage, which means transferring more than 203.4 million pesos.

Since November 2019, Infonavit has joined working groups coordinated by the Ministry of External Relations through IME, in which Banco del Bienestar, Condusef, SHCP, Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal, Conavi and Sedatu participate, and which aim to improve communication channels with immigrant populations through Mexican consulates. in the United States.

Body / Nevada

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