The United States Coast Guard has turned back over 900 immigrants – updated news from Uruguay and the world

The United States Coast Guard has turned back over 900 immigrants – updated news from Uruguay and the world

United States of America
It has turned back 824 Cubans and 83 Haitians who tried to enter the country by sea via the Florida coast between January 6 and 13, the foundation reported yesterday.

In those seven days, they intercepted 13 attempts at sea that “prevented 239 migrants from disembarking on the American coast,” the Coast Guard said in a statement, as well as rescuing 17 Cubans stranded on Elbow Cay in the Bahamas. available to the authorities in that country.

“The migrants who were intercepted at sea were transferred to Coast Guard boats, where they were provided with humanitarian care, including food, water, shelter and any basic medical care they needed,” the foundation explained.

Since last December, Florida has recorded a notorious increase in immigrant arrivals, mostly from Cuba and Haiti, as well as interceptions of ships off its coast.

On Friday, and Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM, in English) pointed out that since August last year more than 5,200 migrants have arrived in 306 landings, with a total of 8,400 illegal immigrants intercepted at sea and repatriated.

On the same Friday, it was US Border Patrol She reported on Twitter three Florida Keys landings that occurred in the past 24 hours, with 50 Cubans on board who remained in the custody of federal immigration authorities for eventual repatriation.

The increase in arrivals by sea of ​​Cubans and Haitians, and the interception of fragile ships, led the governor of this state, Republican Ron DeSantis, to declare a state of emergency and send troops from the Florida National Guard to assist with immigration duties. (with information from EFE)

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