The XLV version of the National Examination of Ambition Medical Residences begins

The XLV version of the National Examination of Ambition Medical Residences begins

MEXICO CITY (apro). – In four different locations and in person, the 45th edition of the National Examination for Medical Residency Applicants (ENARM) began on Tuesday, with six different versions of the tests to ensure the principles of transparency, honesty, fairness and quality of the entire process.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health (SSA) reported that 30,000 places will be offered this time in 27 medical specialties, although the number of applicants far exceeds this, adding 54,447.

The exam will be applied at the same time in the cities of Mexico; Guadalajara, Jalisco; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, and Villahermosa, Tabasco.

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