They are seeking to repatriate the body of a migrant from Chiapas who was killed in the United States

They are seeking to repatriate the body of a migrant from Chiapas who was killed in the United States

Dominguez Commission. – a immigrant From Chiapas, 31, was shot and killed in Alabama, USA, last Monday, March 15th, but to return his body to the Grecia community, in Chicomuselo municipality, in Sierra Madre, it takes seven $ 1,200, according to their relatives. From the victim.

They explained that on March 15th, Abimael roblero He was shot in a parking lot in Motgomore, the capital of Alabama, and even now the motives for the armed attack are known, because all they know is that there is an argument.

Abemail was a peasant from the Greek community and emigrated when he was 16 years old, and since then he has devoted himself to working as a painter in Montgomery.

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The police arrived at the place where Abemail was killed, and then the body was taken to the forensic doctor. However, moments ago, a relative appeared at the scene of the events, but the agents did not provide him with information about the armed attack, so it is not known whether the killer was a US citizen or of Hispanic origin. So far, it’s only known that there has been controversy in the parking lot.

Transporting Abemail’s body from Alabama requires $ 7,200, which is raised with assistance Immigrants From Chicomuselo living in the United States.

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In agreement with the victim’s relatives, they tried to speak with the Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta to ask for help in bringing the body back home, but the offices are not taking the call.

On Friday, Abemail’s relatives received the death certificate and made a down payment of $ 4,500 so that they could return the young man’s body from Chiapas.

jabf / lsm

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