They support the family of an immigrant who died in the USA – El Sol de Salamanca

They support the family of an immigrant who died in the USA – El Sol de Salamanca

After the death of Caetano Razo, a Salamanca immigrant from the community of Razos de Ancona was declared trying to reach the United States. The Social and Human Development Directorate reports that support is already being provided to relatives in order to repatriate the body.

The agency’s director, Cecilia Zermino Vásquez, said that since last Friday, a relative had contacted the agency and it was agreed that from Monday the documents needed to implement the administration would be sent before the immigration minister, who also already had knowledge of the case.

The official explained that according to International Link, the US consulate will support part of the procedures and the rest will be for the family, so they will be aware of the needs that need to be covered.

“Here it is very important to comment that since yesterday the interim president was instructed to provide support to the family, and then we will wait for support from the embassy and the state government, and the rest that we will absorb,” he said.

He explained that in this type of procedure, some take up to five or six months depending on the cause of death, but he is confident that since it is a death of apparently natural causes, returning home will be easier.

He also announced that the agency will provide support to the bereaved and assess the type of social programs they can access, stressing that the agency’s support has no political goals and is free.

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