This is how Covid-19 has affected schools around the world

This is how Covid-19 has affected schools around the world

the COVID-19 Affected millions of businesses around Globalismof between it schools With both completely and partially closed.

The emergence of the epidemic COVID-19 directly affected the Economie GlobalismMillions of businesses, brands and projects were affected in terms of income, resulting in a historic drop in GDP.

according to additional As the impact of the epidemic on the global economy is shown during 2020, China was the only country that was able to increase its GDP compared to previous years by 1.8 percent, while the GDP of the United States decreased by 3.7 percent, Brazil by 6 percent, France 9.1 percent, Mexico 9.2 percent, and Argentina 12.9 percent, among other countries.

This caused companies to close in various industries that do not go unnoticed, including schools. Bearing in mind that schools house millions of students every day for a large number of hours, they were forced to close their doors temporarily to avoid an increase in the number of infections worldwide; However, some of them were able to continue their “everyday” activities by adopting the online or hybrid method of education, while others were unlucky to obtain the necessary technological level to further enhance the education and had to wait for a return to normal.

Although some schools Given the opportunity to adapt to the online method and even to the co-ed system, some parents decided that the best option for their children was to give up their studies, either for economic or educational purposes, because they did not consider this new format to be as effective as traditional classes, a fact that mainly affected the learning of minors.

These kinds of factors where COVID-19 He was the main protagonist, famous for his influence on School revenue around Globalismcausing some Closure temporary And even permanently, in addition to active learning in children.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) shows in a study that more than 635 million students are still affected by the partial and total closure of their schools, causing up to 70 percent of 10-year-olds to be unable to read or understand a simple text, compared to 53 percent before the pandemic.

similarly, additional Shows the longest-running Covid-19 school closures worldwide, both in whole and in part (by weeks), with Uganda advancing by 83 weeks, Bolivia with 82, India with 82, Nepal with 82, Honduras with 81 and Panama with 81 weeks. El Salvador with 80 weeks of lockdown.

School closures and reduced student flow in these learning spaces affected the economy of the various industries and workers who worked in this environment, such as stationery, those who were dedicated to selling school uniforms, their chefs, and stores. which continued to sell to its students, among other areas of opportunity.

Similarly, the UNESCO He noted that at the end of 2020, the pandemic affected at least 63 million teachers, both in terms of qualitative investments, to acquire the digital and pedagogical skills necessary for distance teaching, and in some cases even dismissed them due to insufficient funds.

Schools around the world have been affected in terms of income, as well as other brands that consider students economic income.

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