TikTok: How much do you pay your workers in the US?

TikTok: How much do you pay your workers in the US?

TikTok continues to grow. Chinese company’s social network Byte Dance Not only does it represent a formidable competitor to Goal With regard to users, tik tok It also struggles to recruit the best talent.

from the inside Review work visa applications submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor for roles in Byte Dance Between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022.

This allows us to know how much the company pays its foreign workers.

Places to work on TikTok from the United States

The applications reveal that the majority of requests were to work at the company’s offices in Mountain View, California.

however, tik tok s Byte Dance They also hired workers in cities such as Bellevue, New York, Culver City, San Francisco, and Washington.

How much does TikTok pay its foreign workers in the US?

Working in tik tok s Byte Dance In the United States, it provides income ranging from $30 per hour to $400,000 per year.

The lowest wage of $30 an hour is for a talent acquisition assistant job, but technically speaking.

To earn $400,000 USD annually in tik tokYou must be the product manager when it comes to security and trust in the Americas.

Data show that wages for product and engineering workers range from $84,000 per year.

In Data and Research, salaries range from $80,000 to $345,000 annually.

Those working in positions focusing on marketing and monetization range from $80,000 to $300,000 annually.

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