Uganda: The United States maintains its reward for the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army leader, Joseph Kony

Uganda: The United States maintains its reward for the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army leader, Joseph Kony

Madrid, February 7 (Europe Press) –

The US State Department announced that it will maintain the current reward of $ 15 million (about 12 million euros) for any information leading to the whereabouts of Joseph Kony, the Ugandan militia leader of the LRA. ), Following the International Criminal Court (ICC) conviction for war crimes against one of your generals, Dominic Ongwen.

Ongwen was convicted Thursday of 61 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, out of 70 counts against him.

In response, the US government also welcomed Ongwen’s conviction, saying the historic ruling was “an important step to achieving justice and accountability for the atrocities committed by the LRA.”

And the US government announced in a statement collected today, Sunday, by the Ugandan news portal “New Vision”: “We hope that this ruling will bring some peace to the many victims.”

All charges relate to Ongwen’s trial and conviction for attacks on four camps for internally displaced persons in northern Uganda.

The convicted man was one of the five senior leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) for whom arrest warrants were issued by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity the following year, following a petition from Uganda.

The other leaders are: Kony, Vincent Otti, Okot Odiambo and Raska Lukoya. The ICC ended proceedings against Lucoya and Odiambo when it was confirmed that they were both dead.

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