US National Guard suspends presence on Capitol Hill | The world | DW

US National Guard suspends presence on Capitol Hill |  The world |  DW

The National Guard, a reserve corps of the US Armed Forces, will put an end to a little more than four months of its deployment in the nation’s Capitol building at midnight Sunday (05.05 2021), which on January 6 began the offensive. By a crowd of supporters of former President Donald Trump.

“It has been a long journey since January 2021, but next midnight there will be no National Guard personnel on Capitol Hill,” Brigadier General John Driscoll, Commander of the National Guard Task Force at Headquarters, told local congressional media.

The interruption of hundreds of followers of the former president at the Capitol, when a joint session of both houses was held to endorse Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the November presidential election, resulted in the deployment of this military body in reserve.

On January 20, when Biden was inaugurated as president, there were more than 25,000 members of the National Guard from various parts of the United States protecting the Capitol.

Their number has decreased since then, leaving only 2,000 soldiers. Driscoll said that from next midnight there would be nothing.

During the attack on the Capitol, five people were killed, among them a police officer.

In recent months, security measures at Congress have been the subject of debate among lawmakers.

Members of Congress questioned the response of armed forces commanders before and during the attack, and accused the Defense Department of responding very slowly to requests from the Capitol Police, who on January 6 spent hours requesting military reinforcements.

The US House of Representatives approved, by a Democratic majority, last Thursday, a spending package of $ 1.900 million to improve Capitol security, which is nearly impossible to thrive in the Senate due to Republican opposition, due to a tight progressive majority in this room, as they need ten conservative votes. .

GC (effect, AP)

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