Coparmex asks the AMLO government to defend workers against interference from outside organizations

Coparmex asks the AMLO government to defend workers against interference from outside organizations

In the face of labor complaints submitted by United StateThe country’s employers sector asked the government of Mexico to be the defender of its companies against the potential interference of organizations and outside leaders, which could obey interests outside workers to influence competitiveness and remove capital from the country, especially from the automotive division.

José Medina Mora, President of the Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Mexico (Coparmex), Commented that the United States government had established a complete institutional structure to monitor compliance with trade agreement agreements between the three North American countries, and through complaints against Mexico, assuming non-compliance with labor law, could lead to unfair competition that would discourage investment in Our country.

He warned that “we must be careful that these types of measures do not encourage unfair competition and end up affecting the competitiveness of Mexican companies or discouraging the investment of multinational companies that to this day distinguish Mexico over the United States and Canada.” .

Through a statement, the President of Employers in Mexico urged the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to “pay special attention to the potential interference of organizations and outside leaders that, when obeying interests unrelated to those of the workers themselves, may lead to labor problems. National territory disrupted trade agreements reached between Canada, the United States and Mexico. “

Therefore, it is necessary to properly and ethically address the rapid response mechanisms to take care of workers’ complaints, and that these mechanisms be well-founded and motivated, with the aim of preventing them from becoming a tool for attacking the competitiveness of industries. In our country.

For Coparmex, respect Federal Labor Law And that respect for the will of workers is guaranteed in their union operations, in light of the complaints made by the United States government under the Rapid Response Mechanism established in the treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada.T-MECIncludes two companies based in Mexico.

“Since the rapid response mechanisms were installed, a series of statements have been issued by union leaders, especially from the United States, in which they warned that they would file labor complaints against Mexican companies. It is no secret to anyone that the primary concern of these organizations is that the sources of labor that have been created in Mexico Those who left their countries are returning due to the loss of their employment and membership resources, which highlights among them a very special interest in some industrial branches such as cars, mining and others, “said the city of Mora.


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