US ‘supports’ ousted Guatemalan anti-corruption attorney general

US ‘supports’ ousted Guatemalan anti-corruption attorney general

The United States expressed its support this Sunday Juan Francisco Sandoval, the former Guatemalan anti-corruption attorney general who was sacked and fled the country fearing for his safety after trying to investigate Guatemalan President Alejandro Giamatti.

“We support the people of Guatemala and Attorney General Juan Francisco Sandoval,” the head of US diplomacy, Anthony Blinken, said on Twitter, recalling that this year he personally awarded the judge the title of “Anti-Corruption Champion” in the state.  Section, sections.

His isolation undermines the rule of law and enables the forces to go unpunished. “Guatemalans deserve better,” he said.

Attorney General Consuelo Porras Sandoval, who was the country’s top anti-corruption attorney general, was fired on Friday, drawing criticism from the United States and various organizations.

On Saturday, about a thousand demonstrators took to the streets of the Guatemalan capital in solidarity with the dismissed judge and demanded the resignation of Giamatti and Porras.

Sandoval fled his country the same day to “protect his life,” according to Guatemala’s human rights ombudsman.

The US government of Joe Biden seeks to eradicate corruption in Central America to eliminate, in his opinion, one of the reasons for the departure of immigrants to the United States.

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