Victor Castro signs a bilateral agreement with the US Embassy – El Sudcaliforniano

Victor Castro signs a bilateral agreement with the US Embassy – El Sudcaliforniano

La Paz, Baja California Sur. (OEM-Informex). – State Governor Victor Manuel Castro Cosio, Administrator ICITAP-Mexico United States Embassy, ​​Kyle H. Grimes; Rebecca Dailey, Public Security and Law Enforcement Programs Officer of Mexico INL, and Secretary of State Government Homero Davis Castro led the signing of the new bilateral national cooperation agreement for the international accreditation of forensic laboratories of the Directorate of Expert Services of the Office of the Attorney General Baja California Sur.

Rebecca Daily emphasized that accreditation of forensic laboratories is a valuable tool for ensuring that reliable and scientifically verifiable results are provided in an investigation, while recognizing the state government to strengthen actions in law enforcement.

The Director of ICITAP-Mexico at the US Embassy, ​​Kyle H. Grimes, the results are tangible, as Baja California Sur offers positive developments in the training of experts, men and women, who are dedicated to achieving accreditation for quality investigation.

The governor declared his appreciation to the accredited experts for their efforts and dedication to justice in Baja California Sur, and reiterated his commitment to support training, scientific research, and institutions responsible for the administration of justice at all times, “there will be no more simulations.”

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Castro Cusio said that the administration of justice had been left over for years as an unimportant matter and was thought to have been merely intimidation or beating; But this is not the case, it is a question of a state to which due importance must be given. “That is why we are now celebrating the accreditation of our forensic laboratories,” he said.

The Head of State indicated that it is important for his government to have a law enforcement policy that conducts investigations on scientific grounds, due to its repercussions in the fight against impunity.

Certificates of Appreciation were delivered to accredited experts during this period, corresponding to Cielo Guadalupe Lizalde, Valeria Núñez León, Perla Escarlett Amador Castro, Paulina Acevedo González, Edna Guadalupe Navarro Medina, Ricardo Quijada Meza, Rolando Hernández, Gabriela Castrícia Jorelia or Gabriela of Carília Jorelia Castro, Yeni Elizabeth Villa Espinosa, Maria de Jesus Bejarano Ozeta, Marilyn Nazareth Mendez, Maria Guadalupe Villarreal, Aaron Soto Leon, Ricardo Gonzalez Perez, Hector Andrés Castillo Camenigizo.

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