What is healthy eating? behind the food

What is healthy eating?  behind the food

A healthy diet is a varied diet consisting primarily of Fruits and vegetables And in it High consumption of whole grains. Proteins are provided by Legumes and unprocessed products (other than cold cuts),” he explains. Maria Dolores del Castillo Bilbao, a research scholar at the CSIC Food Science Research Institute, a biochemist and physician in food science and technology. The expert adds that “red meat can be consumed, but it is more advisable to eat white meat and focus on chicken and fish. In this diet, dishes are prepared using cooking procedures that preserve the basic nutritional properties of the food and preserve the bioactive compounds present in it, which have health benefits big. The water should be healthy too, mainly with water and with syringes that do not contain added sugar. The diet par excellence that is considered the healthiest and the model to follow is Mediterranean diet It meets all the above requirements.

Del Castillo Bilbao insists not to forget about healthy hydration and advises studying Healthy Eating Pyramid of the Spanish Society for Community Nutrition.

Balanced diet and in the company

The traditional diet referred to in the pyramid, which was also mentioned by the CSIC expert, should be sustainablebalanced, in company and with time, because let’s not forget that emotional balance It is a very important part of healthy living. It must also be from Proximity and quality. Consume Season Products Based on sustainable producers And they’re close to our house nearly 50% of what it means to eat healthy.

fact, Anna BachProfessor of Health Sciences Studies at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and a specialist in food and public health, considers that the proportions of the Mediterranean diet, where the weight is in foods of plant origin (vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes …) and low in foods from animal origin “makes the dish very similar to a planetary plate (a healthy, sustainable dish that helps save the planet). Other aspects that make it more sustainable is that this diet is based on local and seasonal foods. A Mediterranean diet can be a strategic element to combat Climate change.It is one of the most sustainable and respected agricultural and environmental models with Environment“.

Slow food and biodiversity in the food supply

There are some associations whose philosophy is based precisely on what we are talking about. eat slow He is one of them. It is a non-profit ecological gastronomic association founded in 1989 in Italy to confront Fast food and the fast lifeAnd Preventing the disappearance of local gastronomic traditions and combating the general lack of interest in nutrition, in the origins, flavors and consequences of population food choices. today More than 100,000 members worldwide that promotes a new logic of food production, develops nutritional education programs and works for Biodiversity.

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