With 9,000 students, BUAP Medicine is 190 years old

With 9,000 students, BUAP Medicine is 190 years old


With 9 thousand students, BUAP School of Medicine is 190 years old. Image: Google Maps

The Merited University of Puebla Medical School (BUAP) Fulfilled this Sunday 190 years since its founding, with license plate More than 9 thousand students, making it one of the Increase demand and influence in the country.

On June 6, 1831, a The Local Congress enacted a law for the practice and teaching of medical sciencesThis makes way for this academic unit, which began to train surgeons in the past San Pedro Hospital in Colegio del Estado facilities.

in the sixties thanks Increase its students and create a new building, joined the Pan American Association of Colleges and Schools of Medicine, later, Became a college in 1995, with the creation of Master of Medical Sciences.


Today, the academic unit has Bachelor’s degree in BiomedicineAnd the Forensic sciences, physiotherapy, medicine and clinical nutrition; The Professional Associate in Imaging and Medical Emergencies; In addition to a master’s degree in physical therapy, medical sciences and research.

Similarly, current medical training includes 20 specialties and Ministry of Health Professional Specialization Program (SS).

The teaching staff is made up of 331 members Of which 34 members Registration of researchers at the Vice Presidency for Research and Graduate Studies (VIEP) and national search system (SNI).

At the national level, the faculty is part of Technical Council of the National Center for Assessment of Higher Education (Ceneval) The Academic Committees of Inter-institutional committee for health human resource training (Severh) Federal.

It is worth noting that it stands out globally, as some of its graduates in Biomedical work in recognized laboratories, Such as De Massachusetts General Hospital, Faculty of medicine Harvard university, in the United States; The Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Researchand the University of Bayreuth in Germany.

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In this way, the file medical school It is a fortress in training health professionals in the entity in which it participates year after year سنة Medical days in the poorest municipalities and communitiesfor the benefit of social welfare.

Edited by Alexis Lyra Reyes

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