Woman locked up blind date by Covid-19

Woman locked up blind date by Covid-19

the covid-19 pandemic It is different in every country. What has been consistent lately is the increase in cases and infections, due to differences that have emerged in recent months. Given this, China is one of the countries that imposed the harshest forms of imprisonment on its residents. Which brings us to today’s story.

a A woman with a blind date was arrested, After the authorities imposed a sudden confinement, they prevented him from leaving and returning to his home. This happened in Zhengzhou City, which has implemented this closure of all activities in order to contain the outbreak of the disease Delta and Omicron variables.

To the astonishment of this China-born woman, she was trapped in the home of a man she had visited on a blind date.

Four days of confinement

“I got older, so my dad organized more than 10 blind dates for me”This is what the woman who revealed her nickname Wang said. For this, I reported such a situation through Chinese social network WeChat. The result was that he began to get several dates, even turning to other locations in order to create the best moment and be successful with a new partner.

The result couldn’t be more unexpected, since Miss Wang He comes home from his fifth date and the guy decides to show him some of his talents in the kitchen, cooking him dinner.

So far everything was going well, then they finished dinner and at that moment they found out that the area in which they were, in their date house, had been locked up for 4 days, all this for Intense outbreak of COVID-19.

He said, “I couldn’t get out.” Miss Wang on WeChat.

The man treated her like a queen

Unfortunately for her, she had to be locked up in an unknown location with someone she had hardly come across in her life. The good news came later, because the man took care of her and treated her well. For the next four days, he took care of everything, kept her in the asylum at home, cooked for her, and, although he was not the most communicative, always respected her.

This is what Wang herself shared on WeChat.

But you’re not the only one who’s recently gone through something like this. Another citizen indicated that a similar detention caught him in the middle of the road and the authorities did not allow him to return to his home, and he received help from neighbors because of him.

Read on

The couple met on Tinder and tested positive for Covid-19 on their first date; They are going through quarantine together

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