Yesterday and today from the flag in Toledo

Yesterday and today from the flag in Toledo

The universe’s present time may be so vast that our minds are forced to chain it between the past and the future in order not to explode. They say that in black holes, those mysterious objects that are the result of a stellar collapse, time stops and light turns off. and that they freeze (‘sort’ for them]the worlds and the things they occupy: the earth will be compressed by 2 cm and the sun will barely reach 3 km. I spent long moments contemplating the sky, dazzled by sunrises and sunsets, full of color and unanswered questions. I hardly know the names of the stars, I had the illusion of somehow understanding them, knowing part of them.

At the age of eighty-five, Borges said that if he could live his life again, he would spend more time thinking about the twilight, the morning and the night. And to live more in the present, without the constant burden and worries of the future. He writes: “This is what life is for, just moments: don’t miss it now.”

Toledo It is known worldwide for its monumental and historical focus, and within it, for its artistic and literary wealth. Also, for his mystical side, for being a door to the other side of the mirror. But we must not forget that he was A first-level scientific focus, above all in the Middle Ages. Let’s keep in mind that in those centuries, alchemy included alchemy, astrology, and astronomy. Dean is the author of the book Esoteric, Symbols, and the Great Legend of Toledo Fernando Ruiz de la PuertaFor decades, he worked as a university professor of mathematics and astronomy.

Louis Devorahresearcher and editor based in Toledo, explores and publishes his project hidden universe That underground side (in space and time), those secrets of our city. But, also bearing in mind his face as a science publisher, he wants Renovation and modernization of Toledo as a center of scienceHe linked it to the genius of the great Toledo astronomer Azarquilwith the splendor of the school of translators or the encyclopedic scholarly offices of that king (enlightened and pioneer and also of Toledo) who was Alfonso X. In fact, it has a major science meeting or festival in the pipeline, in parallel with its successful conference on magical Toledo, which is already heading towards its second edition.

At the moment, at Padilla Cultural Center (Thursday, January 26, 6:30 p.m), in the heart of the city, where the Garcilaso de la Vega family house used to be, we will be able to go to Meet one of today’s greatest physics fans, Argentinian, and Santiago de Compostela-based Jose Edelsteinwhich will enlighten us about the wonderful world of black holes.

This researcher managed to publish works Einstein, referring to books such as Alice, The Metamorphosis, or Luces de Bohemia. And by the way, to the poetry of Borges, the greatest singer of labyrinths.

What is Toledo if it is not a large labyrinth in which literature, mysticism and knowledge merge? Apart from his findings in the field of quantum physics and related to the theory of relativity, Edelstein recreated Stephen Hawking and linked antimatter to magic and poetry.

In anticipation of that great science festival that Universo Oculto is preparing for Toledo, let us open our mouths with this engaging talk by Jose Edelstein. In the end, maybe streaks last a lifetime, like the one they share, maybe we can understand the mechanics of the universe a little better and learn to name the stars, as well as love.

About the author

Antonio Lazaro Cibrian

Writer from Cuenca and based in Toledo. Culture Manager. Author of novels such as The Lovecraft Club, Memoirs of a Stick Man, The Golden Years, or The Cross of Angels. Collaborator with ABC Newspaper.

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