111 18th-generation medical students receive recognition for completing their studies

111 18th-generation medical students receive recognition for completing their studies

Posted note: 2021-12-14

Hermosillo, Sonora, December 14, 2021. – The eighteenth generation of MBBS at Sonora University, consisting of 111 students who will begin their training next year, have received their certificate of completion.

The long-awaited document that they worked for from 2017 to 2021, was given to them by the university authorities and the godfather of their generation, Dr. Sergio Trujillo Lopez, who reminded them of the days when they began practicing in simulation labs with extreme insecurity and insecurity. More doubts.

“I remember how some entered with such curiosity, but at the same time, with so much insecurities; I have enjoyed seeing how you have outdone yourselves,” he commented in his address while recommending the continuation of this curiosity, a quality so necessary in this profession that one must not It stops questioning.

He recognized the efforts of each member of the 2017-2021 generation to continue with their chosen studies despite the situation we are going through and the individual difficulties that each individual has overcome.

“Medicine is so broad that there is room for all tastes, set your own goals, if you want to be the best specialist, if you want to be the best researcher, if you want to be the best general practitioner, be the best, but it also fits to be good without Aspire to be the best; success is personal, so do not seek the success of others, pursue your own success, and share your happiness and satisfaction in this matter.

Give your best with perseverance, dedication, love and commitment

At the event, which took place at the Centro de las Artes Convention Center, Laura Vianey Gamboa del Castillo spoke on behalf of the companions of her generation and recalled how dreams come true, seeing how these boys and girls dreamed of helping others and now they are even closer to doing so.

“Let us be those and those doctors with the spirit of service we envisioned when we just got into the race. It may not be easy, we will face new adversities, both academic and personal, but we must have faith in our abilities wherever this path takes us.

“Let us give the best of us with perseverance, dedication, and above all with deep love,” he said, noting that it is the duty of this generation to set the foundations by setting a good example. “While it is true that we are the doctors of tomorrow, our work begins today.”

Laura Vianey Gamboa del Castillo thanked her colleagues for walking together and Sonora University, with its teachers and workers, for training them as professionals in optimal conditions.

“Thank you to all of our teachers for planting the seed of learning in us, for dedicating their time and sharing their wisdom, experience and unconditional support during each semester,” added Sergio Trujillo.

He also thanked his parents, family, friends and colleagues for the support they received, who in some way supported him in his career journey but advanced on the path of life.

Fight to be Happy and Full: Joel Enrique Espegel

At that time, the Vice-Chancellor’s Unit Secretary for the Central Regional Unit, Joel Enrique Espegel Blanco, recalled the great and important moments and figures in the history of modern medicine, and when he congratulated the graduates for being part of a generation formed. In a program of high quality and strength.

He pointed out that one of the major challenges will undoubtedly be adapting to the new normal, as well as facing and assuming the epidemic scenarios and virtual reality commitments that Covid-19 has brought us, but at the same time he stressed that moving forward in these circumstances shows that Sonora University has quality and strength in all its educational programmes.

“It is all thanks to the main fortresses, the raison d’être of the institution that is the community of students and its teachers, and the core mind and sentiment, to continue to feel proud of being a part of Sonora University and to glorify our corporate motto.

And he said, “Remember that ‘work is the physician of nature and is essential to human happiness’, and strive to make those who need you happy and complete, and contribute with your sensitivity and awareness to every medical work to come.”

Juan Carlos Gálvez Ruiz, Director of the Department of Biological and Health Sciences, highlighted the importance of those who decided to study medicine, because they always wanted to make a difference in society.

“They taught us with their persistence and effort that we can always do things better,” he admitted and said that although this generation has been dwarfed by situations related to the pandemic, it has been able to stand out and face the challenges it has faced.

In his welcoming speech to the event, Gálvez Ruiz called on the graduates to act with honesty and ethics and to continue to promote the name of the top university in Sonora as they have already done at the time of internal and external assessments such as the EGEL exams.

Among the distinguished guests were Jorge Isaac Cardoza Amador, Head of the Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Guillermo Hernandez Chavez, MBBS Program Coordinator.

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