4 days of science and culture in Paris

4 days of science and culture in Paris

From November 25 to 28, imagine the future with the Sorbonne festivities! Over 90 free events in five locations in Paris to entertain, discuss, meet and learn.

To better interact with the public in areas of excellence, initiatives and successes, Sorbonne University Creation of the first festival of science and culture in Paris. For four days, come celebrate science and culture: A debate with scholars, I participate in Workshops, visit them Exhibitions, Husband musical party N glassesLet her surprise you Technical Offers !

An original, fun and interactive program that includes more than 90 events To interrogate the world of tomorrow through exploration. Three themes :

  • Nature: What is the future of humanity? Building new relationships and a new “contract” between humanity and its environment.
  • Tomorrow a person : increase, look, adjust, push? From evolution to reform.
  • Art, culture and heritage What are the roles in the transformation of society? Create the world of tomorrow.

The Sorbonne celebrations are aimed at all those interested in science and culture who want to share their vision for the future.

The Sorbonne University celebrations are organized by the Alliance Sorbonne University, the European University Alliance 4EU+ jointly with AP-HP-Sorbonne University, the Ile-de-France Region, the City of Paris, the Théâtre de la Ville de Paris and The Conversation.

Complete the program and register for: https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/lesfestives

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