5 everyday foods that can help you stop feeling hungry, experts suggest

5 everyday foods that can help you stop feeling hungry, experts suggest

Are you one of those people who feel hungry all the time? If the answer is yes, then you definitely know how annoying that feeling can be. Not only does constant hunger make us in a bad mood all the time, but it also reduces energy by leaps and bounds. That’s not all. It also leads to eating out of time or overeating, which leads to weight gain and other lifestyle-related diseases. But have you ever wondered why you feel hungry all the time? While some may think that it is due to stress, the real reason, according to experts, is nutritional deficiency. Before going into details, let’s first understand what we mean by a healthy meal. You’re not eating to your heart’s content (which is also important!), but you are meeting your body’s daily nutritional needs. And if you don’t do the same, you’ll end up feeling hungry all the time.

(Also read: Healthy diet: 7 healthy alternatives to potentially harmful everyday foods and drinks)

Explain the phenomenon of celebrity nutrition Lovinite Batra It states that “the hunger pangs caused by certain hunger hormones in our bodies occur for a variety of reasons. To combat them, it is essential to find the right treatment that stabilizes the energy in our system.” The best way to stabilize energy is to eat nutritious foods. Lovneet Batra also took to Instagram to share some food choices that can help you manage sudden hunger pangs. take a look.

Read also: 5 guilt-free snacks to fight afternoon hunger

Healthy Diet Tips – Here are 5 foods to curb sudden hunger pangs:


almonds It is considered a superfood. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, magnesium, healthy fats, protein and fiber. According to Lovneet Batra, “Protein and fiber are known to increase feelings of fullness. Additionally, the study found that eating almonds reduced hunger and improved vitamin E and monounsaturated fats.

(Also read: Healthy Diet: Try Banana Cake, Whole Grain and Chocolate Without Refined Sugar (recipe video inside)


did you know, Coconut Could it be a great snack to curb hunger pangs? The nutrition expert explained: “Medium-chain triglycerides (including capric, caprylic, caproic and lauric acids) in coconut are known to burn body fat faster and reduce appetite, which leads to an automatic decrease in food intake. He also stated that the higher content of fiber in Coconut meat can also promote feelings of fullness, which can later help prevent overeating.


Good shoots need no introduction. It is always a great option to pamper yourself while maintaining a healthy diet. Lovenet Batra said, “Chana sprouts are rich in protein and fiber that keep you full.” In addition to the protein content in buds Helps us feel full for a long time: It takes longer to digest protein and the levels of the hunger hormone in the body. These factors, he noted, are “likely to help you eat less at your next meal.”


milk or Chase It is a great source of probiotics. It is rich in whey protein and helps us stay hydrated and satiated for a long time. “Studies also show that the high calcium and protein content of yogurt affects appetite and energy intake,” the nutrition expert added.

Vegetable juice with flax seeds:

Vegetable juice is a useful drink. The ingredients (used in the juice) help load it up with antioxidants and fiber, which remove toxins from the body. It helps you stay full and promotes better gut health. “Add a dose of healthy fats with a tablespoon of toasted flaxseed,” Lovnat Batra added.

(Also read: A study has revealed that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of acquired hearing loss)

Now that you know about these healthy eating tips, we suggest you implement them in your diet and enjoy a healthy life. But always remember that moderation is key.

Disclaimer: This content, including tips, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.

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