A missile attack near the US embassy in Baghdad | world | DW

A missile attack near the US embassy in Baghdad |  world |  DW

The Iraqi security forces reported, in a statement, that two Katyusha shells were fired, this Sunday morning (19/12/2021), at the protected Green Zone in Baghdad, where the US embassy is located.

“The Green Zone in Baghdad was the target of two Katyusha rockets,” the text said. “The first was dropped by C-RAM defense batteries in the air, and the second fell into a yard, damaging two cars.”

Earlier, a security source told AFP that two missiles were dropped near the US embassy.

No organization initially claimed responsibility for Sunday’s attacks. In recent months, dozens of missiles or drone attacks have been launched on American soldiers or interests in Iraq.

Washington often attributes such attacks to pro-Iranian factions in Iraq, although no group claims them.

Sunday’s attack came after Iraq officially announced the end of the “combat mission” on its soil of the international anti-jihadist coalition led by the United States.

About 2,500 US military personnel and 1,000 coalition soldiers will remain in Iraq for training, advice and assistance.

But the pro-Iranian factions in Iraq are demanding the departure of all US forces still in the country.

gs (afp, Reuters, Syriawatan News)

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