A new telescope will measure the expansion of the universe – science – life

A new telescope will measure the expansion of the universe – science – life

The telescope DESI file, which will allow Three-dimensional map cWith unique precision, he began his observations from United StateOfficials announced the international project that seeks to better understand the scope of Universe.

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The DESI Spectroscopy instrument, installed in the Arizona desert, will direct 5,000 optical fibers ‘eyes’ into the night sky for five years to capture and analyze the light emitted from 35 million. Galaxies At different times in the universe.

The data should allow scientists to understand the mysterious force called “black energy” that is responsible for accelerating the expansion of the universe, explained by the Berkeley Laboratory, which oversees the program.

Due to the expansion of the universe, the galaxies are moving away from each other, and the further away they are, the more light they emit towards the large wavelengths of the observed spectrum, i.e. towards the red, explained the French Committee for Atomic Energy (CEA), which is involved in the astronomical mission.

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By analyzing the energetic radiation of galaxies, DESI will be able to measure the redshift associated with the velocity of distance, and thus obtain information about its distance from Earth.

The French General Authority added that the researchers would also be able to create a three-dimensional map of the universe “with unprecedented detail, by multiplying the number of spectra of specific galaxies by ten.”

DESI can collect “5,000 spectra of a galaxy in 20 minutes,” according to Christov Yiichi, a CEA cosmologist.

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With a map of the universe, researchers hope to better understand the nature and effect of black energy. This invisible component of the universe behaves like a repulsive force that explains why the universe’s expansion has accelerated for thousands of years.

France Press agency

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