A Venezuelan court seized the headquarters of the newspaper “Nacional” for moral injury

A Venezuelan court seized the headquarters of the newspaper “Nacional” for moral injury

The Fourth Ordinary Municipal Court and Executor of Procedures in the Judicial District of the Caracas Metropolitan District practiced an action the ban Executive against Editora mercantile the National CA, Defendant in trial started by L. Moral damage Citizen Diosdado Cabello continues against him.

The procedure was carried out on Friday afternoon. The notification poster indicates that the amount of 141,501 petrochemicals included out of a total of 237 thousand the High Court of Justice is obligated to pay.

The TSJ’s Civil Appeals Chamber announced the acceptance of the second phase of certification requested by attorney Alejandro Castillo, Capello’s legal representative, and ordered the National Paying 237,000 Petro, a little over $ 13 million, calculated at the time of payment, as compensation for moral damage. The petro equals approximately $ 56.40.

It should be noted that the Third First Instance Court in Civil, Commercial, Traffic and Banking Cases of the Judicial District of the Caracas Metropolitan Region issued a final ruling on May 31, 2018, announcing the claim for non-monetary damages. It ordered the Nacional Company to pay the sum of one billion bolivars as compensation and ordered the judicial standardization of the amount sentenced, which, according to the ruling, will reach so far 31 trillion 843 thousand 14 million 940 thousand 710 bolivars

It’s terrible: El Nacional Editor-in-Chief

Miguel Henrique Otero, Editor-in-Chief of El Nacional, reported the ban through his networks. “At this moment, a judge surrounded by the National Guard took over the El Nacional building to seize everything,” he said.

He said, “Due legal procedures have not been adhered to. It is an outrageous matter that we must condemn to the whole world. They want to eliminate us, to close us, and to disappear from the map.”

Jorge Macroniotis, General Manager of Nacional, expressed his regret at the action. He said it was a new attack on freedom of expression.

Read also Editorial. The confiscation of the city of Nacional

“They are taking our assets. This is illegal, it is an attack on democracy,” he said.

Poetry Against Nacional

“I was informed that in the afternoon, the competent courts, as part of my claim procedures before the National newspaper, carried out the procedures for publishing posters and notifying the executive ban, and the compensation process started,” Capello said in a tweet on Twitter.

“We will win,” he added.


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