A YouTuber knows Thor’s transformation plan

A YouTuber knows Thor’s transformation plan

    then do Back-to-back training sessions inspired by Chris Hemsworth’s content and note His Diet for a Bull: Love and ThunderAnd the Bodybuilder and YouTuber Hudson White just showed off an arm and shoulder routine inspired by the Marvel superhero –who – which He gained 10 extra kilos to get fitter– , which can be done at home as long as you have access to dumbbells and a barbell.

    White begins training with A 10-minute upper body warm-up, then start with 3 sets of 15 dumbbell lateral raises. “It helps to have a slight bend in your elbows to tighten the muscles and stabilize the joint,” he says. “If you want to engage your traps more, raise the dumbbells slightly parallel to the floor.”

    The second exercise is the upper bar press, performed in 4 sets of 15, 12, 10 and 8 reps, respectively. This is arguably the best shoulder exercise, says White, because it hits all parts of the delta, adding, “Start well, start light…Get the movement before you start throwing that heavy weight.”

    Then it is made 3 sets of 12 straight dumbbell rows, then the white shifts to the arms with 3 sets of 10 dumbbell French presses, with 3 sets of 10 inclined dumbbell exercises. Next, do another comprehensive set of alternating cross bench presses and hammer curls, each done in 3 sets of 10. The last comprehensive set includes reverse barbell curls with an overhead grip to move your forearms, and curls using your forearms. Fingers (3 sets of 10) on each.

    White’s newest cardio workout: Using iron as a makeshift wheel, he does this 3 sets of 10 abdominal exercises. “In my opinion, this is one of the hardest exercises of the entire workout,” he says.

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