After spending 25 years in a circus, the bear sits in the sun upon release | Video

After spending 25 years in a circus, the bear sits in the sun upon release |  Video

Utilization the animals as gravity In the circus It is an activity that is increasingly banned in more countries, such as Mexico, because they suffer during their imprisonment Maltreatment And they are in perilous conditions, just like a bear sitting in the sun is his favorite activity.

Animal advocates from various organizations around the world continue to fight for the use of animals as part of circus showsIn addition to providing support for sampling to the places where they receive the necessary care for them Recovery.

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So it happened with Toshki, a bear that recently went viral after sharing a video in 2020 in which it can be seen enjoying the sun sitting surrounded by nature, an image that moved because it was kept caged as part of a circus.

Bear keepers revealed in an interview with the Daily Mail that the animal was kept hidden among the trees For several weeks out of fear, but little by little he started dating and it was one of his favorite activities Sit in the sun While they washed it with cold water due to the high temperatures during the season.

Toshka’s story

The bear he already had advanced age, after he was going to stay 25 years as a circus attraction And in 2020 he was transferred to a shelter in Satanov, Ukraine, where he will receive veterinary care and enjoy his “retirement”.

Toshki was brought to this location with three other bears who also received specialized care. They first went through a period of adjustment in which caregivers emphasized that they were afraid of people.

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Thanks to social networks, there are more and more reports being made about abuse animals in the circusand attacks on their caregivers in the middle of the job risk to attend.

One of the last cases was in October 2021 when a woman was seriously injured after being infected bear bite In full circus performance. Although his tamer and his assistants acted immediately animal power It made it impossible for them to free it.

Although no further details were provided about the health of the tamer, it was reported that the necessary security measures were not in place because the bear had easy access to the public, including minors.

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