American manufacturers are asking Joe Biden to determine their stance on China

American manufacturers are asking Joe Biden to determine their stance on China

The main group of US manufacturers urged President Joe Biden to “rapidly develop and deploy” a new strategy that enhances the ability of the US economy to compete with China.

The National Manufacturers Association accused Beijing of encouraging “discriminatory industrial policies, forcible transfer of technology, and theft of intellectual property that harms manufacturers and workers” in the United States, and the National Manufacturers’ Association called in a letter to the Biden administration for a new approach.

The group of 14,000 companies in all industrial sectors wrote: “The new strategy must incorporate all available tools, including targeted bilateral engagement, resolute US leadership in global institutions, and close and coordinated engagement with allies and partners.” “The strategic use of legislative and compliance tools. It will be crucial in pressuring China to change its economic behavior and equal opportunity. “

The message comes as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken are scheduled to meet tonight and tomorrow with Yang Jiechi, member of the Communist Party’s Politburo, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in Anchorage, Alaska.

This is the first high-level face-to-face meeting between officials from both countries since Biden took office.

A senior US administration official told reporters that the United States is still developing its strategy for China and will use the meeting to gather more information about the course of the relationship between the two largest economies in the world.

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