Anti-government protests in Cuba: minute by minute

Anti-government protests in Cuba: minute by minute

Bruno Rodriguez: In the name of the people, the government rejects American interference.

Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Barilla tweeted on Monday in response to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s support for protests on the island.

“(Blinken) must learn once and for all that the Cuban government owes itself only to its own people and refuses, on their behalf, the intervention of the United States. We stand up for the right to enjoy the path to normal life in peace and face the challenges we face without interference at the front.”

Blinken on Sunday condemned what he called “intimidation tactics” by the Cuban government ahead of Monday’s scheduled protests in Cuba, and promised that his country would implement measures to “hold accountable” the repression.

Opposition groups called the rally to demand more political freedoms and the release of jailed activists, following street protests in July, the largest in decades.

The demonstration was banned by the Cuban government, saying it was part of a US destabilization campaign.

“We ask the Cuban government to respect the rights of Cubans and allow them to meet in peace … and to keep internet and communication lines open,” Blinken said in a statement on Sunday.

With information from Reuters

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