Apple will invest $ 355,776 million in the United States over the next five years

Apple will invest $ 355,776 million in the United States over the next five years

New York, April 26 (Europe Press) –

Technology giant Apple has committed to invest $ 430,000 million (355776 million euros) in the United States over five years, during which it hopes to create 20,000 new jobs, according to a statement on Monday.

Thus Apple accelerated its previous five-year plan unveiled in 2018, in which it is expected to invest $ 350,000 million (289,387 million euros) in the country. The company decided to increase the pace because its investments in the past three years exceeded the expectations outlined in the original plan.

“In this time of recovery and rebuilding, Apple is doubling our commitment to American innovation and manufacturing with a generational investment that will reach communities in all 50 states,” said Tim Cook, Apple CEO.

Apple’s investment plan will focus on the production capacity of semiconductors, microprocessors, 5G technologies, and artificial intelligence. The company guarantees that its new plan will include direct contributions to US providers, data centers, and domestic audiovisual productions for Apple TV +.

As part of the company’s expansion, Apple will build a new research and engineering campus in North Carolina. The investment will reach 1,000 million dollars (827 million euros) with the aim of creating at least 3,000 jobs in “machine learning”, artificial intelligence, “software” engineering and other similar fields.

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