Sandía producers participate in the US Creole project

Sandía producers participate in the US Creole project

Every week, more than 70,000 pounds of watermelon are converted into foreign currencies through the private and private brands of Caribbean juices in the Dominican Republic and the United States.

Santo Domingo. More than one hundred and fifty young watermelon producers in the counties of Azua, Elias Peña and San Pedro are involved in the production of watermelon juice for Jugos Caribé, a successful Creole project in the United States, thanks to HPP technology. This allows preserving the benefits of the fruit without the use of preservatives or additives.

These producers, who are among those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a direct impact on 323 thousand crop tasks, contribute to the collection of more than 70 thousand pounds of watermelon per week, which this company turns into currencies through its own business. And private trademarks in the Dominican Republic and the United States.

“Since the country closed its borders in March of last year, dozens of Jugos Caribe trucks go out every day, with their Dominican team of 115 collaborators, to help the local producer,” explains Johan Patley, co-founder of Jugos Caribé.

This project enables farmers in the field with less economic conditions so that they can maintain their production independently, with greater quality, quantity and profitability. “This is directly beneficial to the population, as the final consumer, to obtain a high-quality product and seeks to promote the activity of these producers to help them obtain their certification as organic producers.”

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