Argentine Soleifiers Melgrate qualified for the Paraguay Open semi-finals

Argentine Soleifiers Melgrate qualified for the Paraguay Open semi-finals

Argentine Luciano Soleiviers-Yin Melgratti agreed today to qualify for the semi-finals of the Paraguay Badel Paraguay Open, which is being held in Asunción, by defeating fellow countrymen Federico Cuestri and Gonzalo Alfonso.

The double-edged win, No. 3 in the ATP Padel Tour Ranking, prevailed with a strong 7-6, 4-6 and 7-5.

On the other side of the table, Argentine Nicolas Igia Pablo Parreira also agreed to one of the semi-finals, after defeating the couple made up of Maximiliano Cejas of Quilmeño and home of Daireaux, Maximiliano Sánchez Blasco, by parts 7-5 and 6-3.

The Buenos Aires duo will be waiting for the winners in the showdown, which must be cheered by Argentine Amelcar Becharano-Eduardo Torres and Chilean Carlos Zahri-Ignacio Lehit, the first in their country.

The Asunción ends on Sunday and is the first competition of the APT Padel Tour organized by Monte Carlo International Sports.

This department is located in 12 countries in Europe and America: Chile, Paraguay, Monaco, Belgium, Argentina, the United States, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal and Sweden.

Next week, the Paraguay Master will be held, also at the La Quinta Sports Club facilities in Asunción. The two competitions will give out $ 95,000 in prizes. (Telam)

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