Asian-American veteran Lee Wong makes a strong anti-racism speech

Asian-American veteran Lee Wong makes a strong anti-racism speech

Lee Wong, A 69-year-old local official in Ohio, who They migrated from China As a teenager, he gave a powerful speech against Racism He stressed that he remained silent for a long time about the discrimination he had suffered, Fear of reactions.

However, during the most recent period Meeting of Trustees in West Chester, He decided he had enough and Break the silence.

“There are some ignorant people who come to me and say that I do not look American enough, or patriotic enough. They cannot overcome this face,”

Lee Wong.

After the first words, Lee Wong stood up and raised his shirt to reveal a huge one Scar on the chest.

“This was preserved through my service in the United States Army. Now is this patriot enough? People look at me strangely and dare to question my loyalty to this country, and the last time I read the United States Constitution, he said we are all the same. We are equal.”

Lee Wong.

Wong recounted how he was injured in A. Racist attack in Chicago Shortly after arriving in the United States.

Later he was part of USA Army For 20 years and last year he was the Republican candidate for Ohio State Senate, According to local media.

While Wong said he greatly enjoyed the love of people in his community, the discrimination never stopped.

“Prejudice is hate, and this hatred can be changed. We are human. We need to be kinder and kinder to each other, because we are all the same.”

Lee Wong.

After his strong words Colleagues Lee Wong They immediately moved to other matters without commenting on his speech Racism and discrimination.

Wong told local media after the meeting that He was not planning to expose his chestBut he felt compelled to share his story in light of the recent increase in hate crimes against Americans from Asian ancestry.

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