Best memes left by Three Kings Day

Best memes left by Three Kings Day
There is no shortage of traditional requests to the Magi [Foto: @catnyansi]

festival Three Kings Day Which is celebrated year after year on January 6th, leaving many children happy to receive their gifts at dawn from Melkor, Gaspar, and Balthazar. In addition, within the tradition, rosca is familiar, which symbolizes the Epiphany Baby Jesus and the Three Wise Menwhere you can find the dolls inside.

the Kings Day It is not just a joy for children who find their talents beneath Christmas tree, but also for seniors who take the opportunity to make memes about the day. Who is complaining that nothing has been received, to whom is the reason for this wise men, Even the aunts who send the gifts they want to receive.

the tradition For some people, it leads to pranks on the little ones, giving gifts as usual before going on to deliver the thing they asked for in their letter. But for the elderly, this can often be taken in the best way, and prepare more elaborate ideas in which things are arranged in such a way as is necessary for the realization of the lie.

People have ingenious ideas for pranks on Three Kings Day[Foto: @kuackmack/Twitter]
People have ingenious ideas for pranks on Three Kings Day
[Foto: @kuackmack/Twitter]

The ingenuity of people is not only detailed in the gifts they can give, but also in the way they generate extra income, support Wise men On his way to deliver gifts. The memes show us that it is not just about the benefit of children, there are those who try to revive themselves.

We really know that beer isn’t going to be the best hydration Camel, horse or elephantBut there are those who offer it a little before the water. Although it may not be the animals that hydrate there, perhaps Three kings Take the opportunity to take a short break in these types of deals.

Mexican ingenuity knows no bounds [Foto: @davoAlvar3z/Twitter]
Mexican ingenuity knows no bounds [Foto: @davoAlvar3z/Twitter]

On the other hand, it is known that it is a day when markets and game markets are crowded, so there is no shortage of irony for those in charge of institutions, who are in a big fight at night.

the Rosca de Reis Traditional It has not been spared from being mentioned in memes, as some take the excessive prices of it in jest or there are some for those who are actually looking to get started with the diet that was intended for this new year.

Or even it is common to see someone complaining about the famous kid being out at the time of breaking bread. And there are some who do not exactly include it inside the bread and are surprised in another way.

Surprises don't just happen with baby baking [Captura de pantalla: ACOSA]
Surprises don’t just happen with baby baking [Captura de pantalla: ACOSA]
Rosca's high costs are laughable [Captura de pantalla: María Inés Garrido La Mashi]
Rosca’s high costs are laughable [Captura de pantalla: María Inés Garrido La Mashi]

And it’s impossible to forget the memes that are made about those who are confronted donut dollwhich according to tradition represents the purchase of tamales Feb 2And the Candlemas. Many decided to hide that they were surprised to baby jesuss when splitting a piece of string.

They seek to hide that the doll is out so as not to pay for the tamales [Captura de pantalla: Sandy Fg]
They seek to hide that the doll is out so as not to pay for the tamales [Captura de pantalla: Sandy Fg]
Some memes suggest being careful with the doll [Captura de pantalla: No es más que basura marina]
Some memes suggest being careful with the doll [Captura de pantalla: No es más que basura marina]

Within the jest are warnings for those who do not readily recognize the dolls at the time the cut is made, as they could choke on the dolls. plastic statue, although fortunately people are starting to be very careful. Many will come around joking with the fact of passing the dummy but surely no one will.

It is the first important festivity of the year, and the following one is rightfully linked Rosca de Reyes And it’s only February 2, Candlemaswhen worn Children Jesus And the payment is made for the tamales, of which they made a puppet in the bread.

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