Biden says US “still suffers” from Trump’s decision to abandon Iran nuclear deal

Biden says US “still suffers” from Trump’s decision to abandon Iran nuclear deal

He stressed that Washington “will continue to respond” to Iran’s actions against its interests.

Madrid, 1 November (Europe Press) –

United States President Joe Biden said on Sunday that Washington was “still suffering” from his predecessor Donald Trump’s decision to abandon the nuclear deal with Iran in 2018 and warned that his country would “continue to respond” to Iran’s actions.

“I think we are still suffering from the very bad decisions made by (former) President Trump when he left the nuclear deal,” he said, before stressing that the country’s return to the deal “hinged” on Iran’s actions and “will” for the rest of the members.

Thus, he said that with this goal he met leaders of other European countries “to say that a change must be negotiated” in the nuclear agreement, which Iran categorically rejected, and which demands the withdrawal of sanctions and a return to the 2015 agreement.

On the other hand, Biden stressed that the United States will “respond to (Iran’s) actions against American interests, whether they are drone strikes or something else.” “We will respond and we will continue to respond,” he added.

This is how the US President spoke about the recent drone attack on the Al-Tanf military base in southern Syria, which official sources blamed on the Iranian authorities, who did not comment on the matter.

Iran announced the withdrawal of its commitments on several points of the 2015 nuclear deal after the United States unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018, although Iranian authorities have argued that these steps could be undone if the United States withdraws and reinstates sanctions. to agree.

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