Black holes: confirm their strange quantum properties – science – life

Black holes: confirm their strange quantum properties – science – life

Theoretical physicists at the University of Queensland confirmed this strange Quantum properties of black holess, including his amazing ability to get different blocks simultaneously.

A team led by doctoral candidate Joshua Fu has performed calculations that reveal surprising results Quantum phenomena of black holes.

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“Black holes are an incredibly unique and wonderful feature of our universe. They are created when gravity compresses a huge amount of incredibly dense matter into a small space, creating so much gravity that not even light can escape. It is a phenomenon that can be stimulated by a dying star” Fu explains in a statement.

“But, until now, we haven’t investigated in depth whether black holes display some of the weird and wonderful behaviors of quantum physics. One such behavior is superposition, where particles can exist on a quantum scale in multiple states in the same weather.”

This is commonly illustrated using Schrödinger’s cat, which can be alive and dead at the same time. But for black holes, we wanted to see if they could have very different masses at the same time, and it turns out they can. Imagine that you are wide and tall, as well as short and thin at the same time; It’s an intuitively confusing situation, because we’re stuck in the world of conventional physics. But this is a fact Quantum black holes“.

To reveal this, the team developed a mathematical framework that allows the particle to be “placed” outside a theoretical black hole with superimposed mass.

Mass is specifically discussed because it is a characteristic of a black hole and it is plausible that quantum black holes naturally have a property mass overlap.

The research, in fact, supports the assumptions made by the pioneers of quantum physics, said Dr. Magdalena Zych, co-leader of the research. “Our work shows that the early theories of Jacob Bekenstein, an American and Israeli theoretical physicist who made substantive contributions to establishing black hole thermodynamics, were on the money,” he said.

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“Suppose that black holes can only have masses of certain values, that is, they must be within certain ranges or ratios; this is how energy levels work in an atom, for example.

“Our model showed that these overlapping masses were, in fact, in certain ranges or ratios, as predicted by Bekenstein. We had not assumed any such pattern, so the fact that we found this evidence was quite surprising.”

The universe reveals to us that it is always more strange, mysterious, and wonderful than most of us have ever imagined.”

The search was published in physical review messages.

European press

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