Bolsonaro was hospitalized with an intestinal obstruction

Bolsonaro was hospitalized with an intestinal obstruction

(CNN Spanish) – Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, was hospitalized in the early hours of Monday due to an intestinal blockage.

Bolsonaro suffers from “intestinal fusion,” Sao Paulo’s Villa Nova Star Hospital said in a statement. This is the latest medical issue linked to the 2018 incident in which Bolsonaro was stabbed in the election campaign.

Bolsonaro “stable”

The hospital indicated in a statement that the president is in a stable condition and is undergoing treatment and will be re-evaluated this morning by the team of Dr. Antonio Luis de Vasconcelos. The official memo concluded that it is currently unknown when he will be released.

Minutes after the news broke, Bolsonaro tweeted that he was starting to feel bad “after Sunday lunch” and that he arrived at the hospital at 3:00 a.m. on Monday. “I got a nasogastric tube,” he wrote. “Further tests will be done for possible surgery for internal abdominal obstruction.”

For its part, the Communication Secretariat indicated that the hospitalization was due to discomfort in the abdomen and added, “The president is fine and more details will be revealed later,” according to a statement transmitted. Brazil AgencyState news outlet.

Bolsonaro arrived in Sao Paulo around 1:30 a.m., after leaving Forte Marechal Luz, in São Francisco do Sul, on the Santa Catarina coast, where he has spent the new year, according to Agencia Brasil.

Intestinal obstruction problems

President Bolsonaro was already hospitalized in July 2021, when doctor Antonio Luiz Macedo found an intestinal obstruction. Macedo was the one who operated on Bolsonaro after he was stabbed in 2018. The president underwent surgery in January 2019 to remove a colon cyst that had been inserted after the stabbing.

“This is the second time he has been hospitalized with the same symptoms, as a result of a stabbing (September 6, 2018) and four major surgeries,” Bolsonaro wrote in a second tweet.

Bolsonaro’s doctor does not expect to have a new surgery

Macedo, who is hoping to return to Brazil in the early hours of Tuesday to check on the president, told CNN Brazil that he did not expect he would need another surgery, but that he should have an abdominal examination to be sure.

Your prediction is based on the initial diagnostic reports sent to you.

“I’m going to examine it,” Macedo told CNN Brazil. “My hypothesis, based on what I know about the president, is that there will be no surgery. But I need to do an evaluation of the abdomen to get a tangible result.”

political moment

Bolsonaro is preparing to run for re-election in October. But polls show his main rival, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has a dominant advantage.

The populist Bolsonaro has come under fire for his handling of the pandemic, which has made Brazil one of the hardest-hit countries in the world. The president has denied COVID-19, calling it a “little flu” and refusing to get vaccinated.

The nation has suffered from slow vaccine distribution and stiff resistance to containment measures by Bolsonaro’s government.

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