Cali is committed to a science, technology and innovation center that fosters inspiration and knowledge among citizens

Cali is committed to a science, technology and innovation center that fosters inspiration and knowledge among citizens

At the end of the day (12.03.2022) there was the participation of Javier Santaolalla, the famous physicist and engineer who led a major conference on the Universe and the Big Bang.

With the participation of experts at the local and national level in issues related to information and communication technology and in the framework of First astronomy meeting in Caliin La Liquerera Center for Dance and Dance Conversation betting on developing Science centers For the city, an experience highlighted that “Heaven is coming to the branch”.

Panelists such as Teresa Cancilado, Director, Department of Information and Communications Technology Management; Marcella Patiño, Project Leader “hot smart”; Carlos Molina, Director of the Bogota Planetarium; and Igino Mercury, a member of the Social Appropriation of Knowledge team who designed the San Fernando Science Center.

Experts addressed issues to educate citizens about the importance of spaces for innovation, especially with regard to adopting technological skills to improve the quality of life and make Kali smart district.

Marcela Patiño, leader “hot smart”He said that before creating the San Fernando Technology and Innovation Park project, the diversity of our city was considered. “We are the product of immigrants, but in addition, we are from Cali because we inhabit this city. We have built a model that offers us spaces for participation and innovation.

(Also read: Heaven Comes to the ‘Branch’ with ‘First Astronomy Meeting in Cali’)

In the same order of ideas, Carlos Molina, Director of the Bogotá Planetarium, believes that the unification of spaces where museums and planetariums are integrated will allow the inspiration of citizenship. “It will start with a community interested in talking about science and it will make sense to build these stages when there are people who want to enjoy it. Here they will be able to travel to the stars, see landscapes of planets, distant galaxies and relate the universe to everyday life.”

During the conversation, emphasis was placed on enhancing ICT tools. In this regard, Teresa Cancilado, Director of Datic, defined it as the engine that improves everyone’s quality of life and the tools we have as a society to solve problems. We need science and technology to save and save lives. He said that the social sciences are the foundations of building the city.

He emphasized that the Cali mayor’s office has a network of 33 digital innovation points and a training lab and access to and use of technology is free and accessible to all.

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Kali will have a new “digital innovation lab”.

Ayling Divani Rocha

The number of visits to this page is 15

Publication date 03/12/2022

Last modified 3/12/2022

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