Can I get Omicron twice?

If you have already suffered sign of illness From COVID-19 or variable Omicron, Some experts in the health Recommend to continue taking relevant health measures, because the risk of reinfection is very high. a Research Conducted by Imperial College London, it showed that the immunity generated by the virus is 19%, so it is very likely that he will suffer from this disease again.

The same investigation showed that a person with Omicron disease or COVID-19 has a higher likelihood of infecting people around them in the first seven days after symptoms appear.

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How long does it take for symptoms to appear?

The appearance of symptoms can vary for each person, but if you have recently been around someone who has feet sign of illnessYou should know that the incubation of the virus in your body can take two to three days after contact.

The first symptoms that you may have after you become infected again are:

  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Fever
  • throat pain
  • the conditions

Although it may be less annoying, it all depends on the system The immune system of each person.

Due to the large number of Covid-19 and Ómicron infections, the question of whether someone can become infected again is increasingly present.

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How to avoid getting injured again

The best thing is to avoid getting sick again COVID-19 Or a micron, is to continue with the safety measures recommended by health agencies. That is, continue to use the mask indoors and on the street, wash your hands frequently, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people, and stay at home as much as possible.

In addition to your awareness of the application of the booster vaccine against Covid-19 in your city. If you develop any of the above symptoms, you should isolate yourself from people and consult your doctor about the measures you should take for a speedy recovery.

If you have doubts about sign of illnessYou can do an antigen or PCR test, to rule out infection or non-infection with the virus.

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