Cancer of organizations and their brand: corruption

Cancer of organizations and their brand: corruption

The reputation and the prestige They are key to businesses. Business groups are subject to international good practice and due process to prevent and mitigating improper acts in all its activities.

However, in orderRule of Law 2021“, produced by Global Justice ProjectAnd Mexico Ranked 135th in the world in corruption, above countries such as Uganda and Cameroon and behind Afghanistan, Bolivia and Kenya.

Measurement recognizes the multiple dimensions of the subject and takes corruption As one of the factors that indicate the order and stability of the territory.

Terry Cabrera, Legal Director, Compliance and Regulatory Ties at Coppel Group he said to broken chair: “The Brand value It’s very important. Doing improper business has negative effects not only on what you sell, but also on attracting talent and the relationship with suppliers. She has no good reputation It involves high risks and costs.”

“We are convinced that there is nothing better than having an organization in legal frameworkIt establishes clear values ​​and establishes clearer relationships.”

According to the study, Mexico It has fallen 14 places compared to last year, so “a total of efforts to reverse these numbers are essential.”

in the frame International Anti-Corruption Day, promoted by the United Nations, on 9 December, Coppel Group I acknowledge its commitment and responsibility to build a fair and transparent business environment.

By the way, the Business Integrity Program who rules Coppel Group It includes specific procedures and policies in each of its operations, to avoid actions that do not fall within the framework of the law, in order to allow good health business development in Mexico.

Among the actions carried out are the following:

Contracts with third parties anti-corruption clauses Non-negotiable to generate a culture of intolerance inside and outside the group.

Due diligence filters are in place to ensure supplier compliance with ethical and legal standards.

Staff are recruited according to job suitability and skills criteria.

– Donations and donations are made only for charitable purposes and community support, after being approved by Ethics Committee and compliance.

Any institutional contribution for electoral purposes is prohibited.

– Absolute refusal to make, deliver or receive gifts or donations for


Anti-corruption clause

As part of the provisions governing group contracts, this clause Anti-corruption is a non-negotiable matter, and its content “protects us

Company from the act of our third parties.”

It is a provision that obliges third parties to comply with anti-corruption laws (national and foreign), and if they do not, the responsibility lies entirely with the third party. “In the meantime item We include audit rights for Compliance, which is a right that must be exercised to ensure that third parties comply with the obligation set forth in this matter.”

prevention mechanisms

Coppel Group I implemented 3 lines of defense that allow you to to prevent And Deal Misconduct in the organization:

1) Trained operational personnel. If you keep your collaborators up to date and train them, it will allow each of them to be that protective factor within the organization

2) Dedicated team to select, to prevent And attack those situations that can

It is embodied in irrigation or influence corruption

3) Periodic and permanent audits, preferably conducted by an external expert in the field

Terry Cabrera Make it clear that in all companies there are risks corruption, it doesn’t matter what sector, size, and/or presence it has. However, the corruption It should not only be understood as that which exists between authorities and individuals; The corruption It is also present among the employees themselves.”

“This is equally harmful, because the risks associated with these practices range from cost and quality in your supply chain (when employees collude with suppliers) to loss of competitiveness and trust in customers. Client“, She said.


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