Chilean soldiers in “green berets” exercises from Spain and the United States | Europe update | DW

Chilean soldiers in “green berets” exercises from Spain and the United States |  Europe update |  DW

Twelve soldiers from the Special Forces Operations Team of the Chilean Army participate in maneuvers with their Spanish counterparts (Special Operations Command, Department of Education) and the US Marines to exchange technologies in emergency and civil protection missions. These soldiers come from the Barracks of the Special Operations Brigade in Colina in the Capital District, where there are approximately 800 soldiers.

The Andean team, made up of three members of the working group, traveled to Spain as part of the main exercises of the year of the Ministry of Education, also known as the “Green Berets” exercises, which were developed in the southeast of the Spanish peninsula (Alicante). , Valencia, Murcia, Albacete and Almería) as “Stubborn 2021”.

It’s about taking advantage of military methods and means “to be able to provide effective attention to the population because the goal is to help the community,” explains the head of one of the activist groups. As an example, he noted that the unit helped fight the epidemic in Chile through health monitoring measures, transporting infected people, and supporting the most vulnerable populations. The Chilean military focuses on internal defense and also participates in United Nations deployments to promote peace in various parts of the world.

During maneuvers in Spanish territory, the Chileans interacted in various exercises with a USMC Boeing V-22 ‘Osprey’ (vertical take-off aircraft like the one pictured) and with four Spanish Air Force helicopters. On the Spanish side, the participation of forces from the Light Infantry Brigade and NBC personnel specializing in electronic warfare with the support of the Image Intelligence Group also stands out. In addition to the “Osprey” and the Chilean elite soldiers, the novelty this year in these maneuvers is the use of the advanced military unmanned aircraft “Predator” of the Spanish Air Force. (efe)

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