China tests hypersonic missile in orbit by surprise for the US in August, according to “Financial Times” | Economie

China tests hypersonic missile in orbit by surprise for the US in August, according to “Financial Times” |  Economie

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile last August in an unprecedented test conducted around the world, showing capability and technological advances that surprised US intelligence, according to financial timesCiting five anonymous sources.

According to information published on Saturday, the Chinese army launched a missile carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle, which flew into low-orbit space, and circled around the world before heading towards its target, although the projectile missed the target by more than 20 kilometers.

The outlet added, quoting sources close to the investigation, that “the trial showed that China had made amazing progress in hypersonic weapons and was much more advanced than American officials believed.”

The United States and Russia are also developing hypersonic missiles, and last month North Korea tested a newly developed missile.

Reuters requested information by fax from the Chinese Ministry of Defense, but did not receive an immediate response. The United States and Russia are also developing hypersonic missiles, and North Korea said last month that it had tested a newly developed missile.

In a 2019 review, China demonstrated progress in weapons, including its supersonic missile, known as the DF-17. Ballistic missiles fly into outer space before returning on steep paths at higher speeds. Hypersonic weapons are difficult to defend because they fly toward targets at low altitudes, but they can reach more than five times the speed of sound, or about 6,200 km per hour (3,850 mph).

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