Climate crisis leads to solution or catastrophe

Climate crisis leads to solution or catastrophe

Executive Vice President of National Climate Change Council, Max PuigStressing that there are no partial solutions to the climate crisis that the world is going through due to global warming, he insisted that it is urgent to fulfill the funding promises made by the developed countries in Paris, in 2015.

during its presentation in Global high-profile event for Regional Climate Weeks at COP26 In this Scottish city, Puig insisted that “there is no partial solution to the climate crisis, humanity advances together or sinks.”

He noted the need to support those most in need. He said it was necessary to make sure, as the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said, “We leave no one behind.”

“Thinking in particular of the Dominican Republic, Haiti and more than 35 developing island nations, which are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.”

“These vulnerabilities have been deepened by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Puig noted. He noted that regional climate weeks increase the tools available to raise awareness and reveal the concerns and expectations of all sectors of society, channeling them through agencies and multi-sectoral and level dialogues.

At COP26’s high-level global event for Regional Climate Weeks, the following participated:

  • Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, Patricia Espinosa
  • COP26 Presidency Ambassador for Africa and the Middle East Janet Rogan
  • Japan’s Deputy Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Shoda Yukata
  • Vice President of the World Green Economy Organization, Waleed Ali Ahmed Salman, among other high-profile figures.

In this activity, the Heads of Delegations of the Dominican Republic, Uganda and Japan submitted written reports to the COP 26 Presidency. They discussed experience and progress during the 2021 Regional Climate Weeks they hosted.

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