Club América: liquidation of shady companies and kickbacks from millionaire clients | MX . League

Club América: liquidation of shady companies and kickbacks from millionaire clients |  MX . League

During recent traffic markets, America has shown a remarkable way of acquiring football players. Although he did not disregard incorporating the building, the general intention was to acquire elements from South America, something that is still reflected in 2021 when seeing the entirety of its workforce.

Given this process, Super Deportivo AM conducted a surprising press investigation and revealed the secrets of signing three players in particular. Two of them are led by Santiago Solari in the current team and the other completed his time in Kuaba without pain or glory…

“They all have one thing in common: an Argentine promoter named Nazarino Marculesi. According to the documents that this medium had access to, he was actively involved in the arrival of Bruno Valdez and Christian Insoraldi. In addition, he was going to act as a mediator in the arrival of Richard Sanchez, something he deniesين, the reporter Cesar Luis Merlot wrote for the mentioned web portal.

In addition, according to the journalist’s information, he was going to collaborate in other movements jointly with the azulcrema group: “He would have participated in Cecilia Dominguez’s arrival and collecting a commission of $250,000, according to a report from the company he owned in Paraguay, which Super Deportivo had access to.”

Bruno Valdez:

SUNRED and Bruno Valdez contract (Photo: Super Deportivo AM)

“Paraguay hired SUNRED” to represent it before clubs and sports entities “and the person who hires SUNRED is Nazarino Marculesi himself”, César Luis Merlot reports, attaching the image rights transfer papers. America has not officially announced how much he paid for the card from the center of the defense, but according to the media in his home country It was 3.5 million dollars.


Agreement between SUNRED and Nazareno Marcollese (Photo: Super Deportivo AM)

Richard Senches:

Richard Sanchez Committee

Commission on Richard Sanchez’s statement (Photo: Super Deportivo AM)

According to the Argentine journalist, Jean Patrick Delmas (better known as Gianni Delmas), who also represents Sergio Diaz and thanks to GS Sports Limited in Hong Kong, was involved in the process. The document he presented in his research on the mentioned media It revealed that the agent collected $350,000 in commission between 2019 and 2020.

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