Coahuila will benefit from the Pacific-US relationship

Coahuila will benefit from the Pacific-US relationship

Connecting the Pacific ports of the United States and Canada, now to a freight and passenger rail project, would mainly benefit Laguna, because there would be an important connection there, similar to the project The current Northern Economic Corridor, also known as the Port-to-Plain Highway, explained the director of the SCT Center in Coahuila, Juan Pablo Martin del Campo.

Mexico currently operates the Northern Economic Corridor, the overland link to the Pacific ports, especially Sinaloa, through Durango and Coahuila, for transit to the United States and Canada, which largely serves the transport of goods and It generates competitiveness in different areas, including La Laguna de Coahuila and Durango, because it is an intermediate point with industrial development.

However, it is estimated that the railway project at the door, to do something similar to the Northern Economic Corridor, But with the train, it would also benefit Coahuila in an important way.

“The roads are already there, but there must be improvements, especially in the arrival of Mazatlan. The project is to enable a route from Mazatlan to the US borderPassing through Durango and Torreon and continuing on to Saltillo, Piedras Negras or Nuevo Leon,” he said.

In the case of Coahuila, most of the rail infrastructure is already in place, both at La Laguna, the southeastern region and the border crossings, But work must be done on the mountainous part of Durango, as well as the modernization of the seaports of Mazatlan.

The advantages offered by the railway, similar to the Northern Economic Corridor, thing is The costs of transporting goods are reduced, which is why it is possible for private companies.

The connection in Mexico will be at a good speed, but larger quantities of goods will be transported by train from the Pacific Ocean, to reach Texas and the states that have a coast with the Atlantic Ocean in the United States and Canada.

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