Day of the Axolotl Why is it important to science? The sun of Zacatecas

Day of the Axolotl Why is it important to science?  The sun of Zacatecas

It is celebrated on the first of February every year in Mexico Axolotl daythe date proposed by the Senate of the Republic because in 2018 the journal nature Post the article titled “The axolotl genome and evolution of master tissue information regulators”.

That article revealed the results of the axolotl genome, which consists of 32 billion base pairs of DNAwhich is 10 times more than the human genome and what It makes it the largest genome sequenced by science.

Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is an amphibious animal with exotic characteristics that has had a great influence on Mexican culture since time immemorial Aztec civilization. he salamanderbelong to the order caudata and to the family Ampistomatidae.

Sea urchins are a type amphibians endemic to Mexico, able to regenerate muscles, bones and nerves. Some scientists have shown interest in how sea urchins regenerate, and understanding their regeneration process can help Understanding the wound healing process.

Since 1975 the axolotl has been included in Appendix II Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to regulate its international trade. Currently, due to the dangers to the population of the axolotl.

Nowadays, the axolotl is in danger of extinction Xochimilco Channelswhere it is endemic, is harmful due to water pollution and urban growth.

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